
For planning, implementation and monitoring of minimal invasive interventions, different imaging modalities are used repeatedly. The overlay of image data, however, is often limited or only ​​possible through subsequent registration.

Within the project "Imaging", STIMULATE evaluates through feasibility studies the opportunities to further improve the modalities for planning and implementation of image-guided minimal invasive interventions. In this connection, innovative approaches for imaging via 3D-robot-based angiography and magnetic resonance imaging, advanced photon detectors and intravascular imaging are analyzed to define long-term research programs during the main phase. The focus is, for example, improving the image quality, reducing testing time and reduction of patient dose as well as increasing the safety within the work area and user-friendliness.




Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Oliver Speck

Fakultät für Naturwissenschaft
Abteilung Biomedizinische Magnetresonanz
Leipziger Str. 44, H65-393
39120 Magdeburg

Tel: 0391-61-17114
Fax: 0391 61-17115




Planning of ablative procedures in cancer therapy


Improvement of image quality and patient safety in of 3D imaging at the C-arm

Intravascular imaging

Innovative photon detection in nuclear medicine


Monitot eines MRT