
The evaluation and integration of various tracking systems for the use at different imaging modalities are performed in this workpackage. Tracking represents a universal tool for the optimization of therapies.

Within the INKA project, methods for the detection of conductive interfering objects in the work area of an electromagnetic tracking system have been developed. Moiré Phase Targets are an innovative optical tracking method, which achieves an extremely high accuracy (better than 10 micrometer) with only one target and one camera. The applicants have used this for the first time for the prospective correction of movements during MRI measurement to obtain error-free images even with restless patients and long measurement times (BMBF High-Tech Champion Award 2012).

Aim of this workpackage is to evaluate two different tracking systems: the electromagnetic tracking system (EMTS) of the OVG-University and the radio frequency identification (RFID)-based tracking system from the company metraTec.

There are currently used four types of navigation systems for computer-assisted image-guided intervention: mechanical, optical, ultrasound-based and electromagnetic. Due to the large work, accuracy and because there is not required a direct visual connection between the transmitter and receiver, EMTS currently constitutes the best solution to navigate the surgical instrument within the patient's body. A prototype of the RFID-based tracking system has been developed by the company metraTec. This system consists of a small loop antenna, which is supplied by an external radio-frequency generator. The tracking system includes an intracorporeal marker. The RFID-based tracking system is developed for wireless tracking of instruments, organs, tumors, or the gastrointestinal tract.