User Interfaces

The modern operating room for minimally invasive surgery is characterized by a range confusing equipment with a variety of devices - in particular for intraoperative imaging with numerous monitors, navigation systems, robotics, etc. These devices must be coordinated and controlled during the complex procedure. In addition, recent results of examinations and therapies are evaluated immediately on screen and have to be implemented for further action. This requires the use of appropriate and user-friendly operation concepts.

The focus is on different operating modalities (multi-touch, gestures, eye control, pen input, tangibles) in combination with multiple displays. So for a larger project pen input was combined seamlessly with multi-touch gestural interaction, and usability studies were used to identify user-defined gesture sets. Several preparations exist for so-called Tangible Magic Lenses, i.e. position-conscious, tangible displays in multi-display environments, which can be intuitively explore information spaces in front of or above a reference display. The control of remote displays using multi-touch and tilt gestures on smartphones as well as with the help of eye control and touch gestures were discussed.