Research and development of a gradient system for neonatal MR tomography



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Neoscan Solutions GmbH

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Institute for Medical Technology, Chair for Electromagnetic Compatibility)


Central goals of this project are the development of a dedicated gradient system and innovative EMC concepts for neonatal imaging. Core concept of the planned MRI is a design that is as compact as possible and optimized for pediatrics. This makes adjustments to the gradient system necessary. The availability of these systems is very limited and the noise level is too high for the application. This should be minimized by reducing mechanical vibrations. Further points are the optimization/adaptation of the coil geometry to the existing active volume and to prevent nerve stimulation in the edge area of the gradients.

The compact stand-alone concept also means that a separate shielded enclosure is not required. However, this means an immense increase in interference coupling and thus dramatically reduces the quality of the imaging. A further subgoal is therefore to develop an EMC measurement procedure in order to investigate the coupling of electromagnetic fields from external stochastic interferers as well as internal sources of interference at an early stage in the planned development of the paediatric MRI machine. Based on these methods, components for active interference suppression are to be developed. This technological development enables the MRI system to be used directly in the rooms of the pediatric departments in the clinics without extensive construction measures in the form of electromagnetically shielded rooms. The realization of the research project in the association of Otto von Guericke University (OVGU) and the company Neoscan Solutions GmbH will be carried out at the research campus STIMULATE within 3 years. Within the framework of the project, the Institute for Medical Technology (Prof. Vick, FEIT) will take over the operative project management of the project from OVGU.

