Current activities


Since 1st June 2008, the junior research group at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg by Prof. Dr. Georg Rose (Chair of Medical telematics and medical) and Prof. Dr. Bertram Schmidt (Department of Microsystems Engineering) works on the development of smart catheter for conservative surgical techniques.

The new research project is funded in the framework of InnoProfile initiative „Unternehmen Region“by the BMBF for five years with 5.7 million Euros. The interdisciplinary research group conducts research in its own laboratories and with their own equipment.

Innovative medical engineering from Magdeburg shall enable future novel, minimally invasive, catheter-based interventions in the fields of neurology, tumor therapy and orthopedics.

The catheter technologies are developed after careful analysis of medical requirements and  medical workflows in close cooperation with the medical experts of the Magdeburg University Hospital. Regional small and medium-sized enterprises are involved for the implementation of the scientific results in application-ready products.

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KOMET -Competence Center for Medical Technology


The Competence Center for Medical Technology (KOMET) is a researchtransfer-oriented interdisciplinary medical engineering platform at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. It is funded for three years by the State of Saxony-Anhalt since 01.11.2010 and strengthens the University focus medical engineering.

The aim of the funding is to continue the scientific results in the field of medical technology so that conditions for a commercial usability are created. 

One focus of the "KOMET" platform is to further promote completed or ongoing projects in the field of medical engineering at the OVGU that have achieved promising results, with the aim to transfer to potential investors. KOMET is to create a bridge between basic academic work and commercial marketing.

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The project develops strategies for optimizing stroke care - especially in rescue - and is guided by the objective to make the possibilities of stroke unit available in the ambulance as far as possible.

For this purpose, a medical telematics platform for ambulances (RTW) is to be established to optimize emergency care of stroke patients in ASTER. A "mobile clinic assistant" shall give assistance to the rescue personnel, for example in the selection of target clinic, other medical measures in RTW, the implementation of a Telekonsils or helicopter requirement. Patient medical data such as oxygen saturation, blood sugar and ECG are recorded on site and combined with information about the target clinic (specialization, medical readiness, occupancy), telematic data (traffic conditions, distance traveled, of route, traffic light control) and vehicle data. The information is then processed and displayed in the RTW for rescue personnel through clinical decision support systems. In addition, selected information is transmitted to the target clinic to make the necessary preparations there.

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In technical devices, machines and systems increasingly computer technology is involved. Where once lever brakes were released, today inside the units hidden processors trigger the desired function. More and more new models with ever more sophisticated technology hit the market. But the new devices do not work as reliably as they should.

Thus, the complicated software does not work properly, researchers from Magdeburg and Kaiserslautern are now working together on plans to help manufacturers to perfect their products. Especially for developments in the automotive, medical, energy and material flow technology there is an enormous need for research.

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