Motion correction MRT

Development cooperation with Emmotrac (MPI Leipzig)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a commonly used method in medical imaging for the visualization of the human anatomy and the provision of functional information, such as the determination of blood flow. To improve the image quality, increasing magnetic flux densities (> 7T) and novel sequences are used.

Particularly with brain imaging a high resolution image is of considerable interest. The resulting quality of the received MRI images is, due to the long measurement times (> 10 min), severely restricted due to the constant movement of the patient. Because of the breathing there is a constant movement of the head, which is reflected as a blur in the MRI image.


The aim of the cooperation project is to detect and to compensate the movements of the patient’s head during imaging. For that, an optical tracking system is developed which can be integrated into conventional MRI coils used in MRIs. Special optical markers are attached to the patient's head to detect the movements. Via an interface to the MRI scanner, movements are to be finally compensated in real time.

The technological challenge – among others - in the project is to adjust the required electronics in a way that they can operate reliably under the influence of a strong static field and different high-frequency magnetic fields.

Further Information