Sino-German Mobility Programme: Interventional Brain PET/CT

Image-guided brain surgery plays an important role in the therapy of brain tumours. In the procedure room, a PET/CT C-arm with flat panel detector combines the high-resolution morphological imaging of CT with the unique functional imaging capabilities of PET. Despite its great potential, interventional PET/CT systems for the brain are not yet widely used in clinical practice. The reason is that they require very high sensitivity and resolution.

Faced with this challenge, a Chinese-German research team - consisting of 17 researchers from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the Wuhan National Laboratory of Optoelectronics and the Research Campus STIMULATE - initiated a collaboration with the aim of finding a joint digital PET/CT approach to solve this challenging reconstruction problem.

The partners have the ambitious, long-term goal of establishing a joint "Interventional Digital PET/CT Centre" at OVGU, equipped with a research cyclotron and animal centre, to serve as a research laboratory for new tracers, technologies and techniques in interventional radiology for the brain and beyond.