INKA „Catheter Technologies“: Junior research group headed by an endowed chair

The INKA transfer initiative "catheter technologies" explores and develops medical components and systems for image-guided minimally invasive procedures. The aim is the provision of the technical conditions for innovative endovascular aneurysm therapies. The vision is to establish a catheter-based extravascular clipping of the vessel bulges.

For this purpose, technologies shall be developed that allow the controlled exit of the blood vessel via a catheter and thus allow the treatment of the aneurysm from the outside (extravasal).

The achieved results, but also the  work beyond, will also apply to the optimization of established endovascular therapies, so that usable results will be achieved soon.

The research is carried out in close cooperation of Medical Engineering, Microsystems Technology and medical professionals as users, but especially with the regional economy, as well as large enterprises.

A junior research group with 5 scientists will be developed which will be headed by an endowed chair founded by the economic partners.


Duration: 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2019

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