KMU-innovativ-Verbundprojekt: 12-Channel ECG for MR-guided Cardiac Catheter Interventions and Haemodynamic Monitoring (EMERGE) - Subproject: Haemodynamic monitoring for cardiological diagnostics in MRT

The three-year project "EMERGE - 12-channel ECG for MR-guided cardiac catheter interventions and haemodynamic monitoring", a joint project between the research campus partners Mammendorfer Institut für Physik und Medizin GmbH (MIPM) , the Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology of the University Hospital Magdeburg A. ö.R. and the Institute for Medical Technology of the OvGU, started at the  Research Campus STIMULATE on 1 May 2020 as part of the BMBF call for proposals "KMU-innovativ Medizintechnik".

The project has two goals: In addition to the development of a 12-lead ECG for MR-guided cardiac catheterisation procedures, haemodynamic parameters for intraprocedural monitoring will be derived from the ECG signal superimposed by the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect.

A typical problem in the recording and interpretation of an ECG recorded in an MRI is the interference signals caused by the MRI. The superimposition of the actual ECG signal is essentially caused by two sources. Firstly, the static magnetic field of the MRI (0.5 -3 Tesla) causes the MHD effect, which describes the interaction between the static magnetic field and the blood flow directed perpendicular to it. Secondly, the switched magnetic gradient fields required for MR imaging induce electrical voltages within the body and the ECG cables, which are also superimposed on the ECG signal (gradient artefacts). To solve these problems, both the appropriate hardware for recording from the 12-lead ECG and methods and algorithms that enable filtering of the various interfering signals must be developed. Technically particularly challenging is the fact that the interferences based on the MHD effect occur synchronously to the heart rhythm.

The second main project goal is the development of a haemodynamic monitoring procedure based on the MHD signal. For the development of the MHD-based procedure, the IKG (impedance cardiography) signal will first be used as a reference. Using this reference, both relative and absolute haemodynamic parameters are to be determined. The non-invasive determination of these parameters, based on the MHD signal, would make haemodynamic monitoring of critical patients during an MRI examination feasible.