„COCOON“ – aCOustiC Optimized hOusiNg

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Funding initiative:                                     

R&D cooperation project in the ZIM network INSTANT

Project duration:

06/2022 – 11/2024


Modell- und Formbau GmbH Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg

Otto von-Guericke University Magdeburg



Within the framework of the ZIM network INSTANT, primarily medical issues are discussed. Within the network, the COCOON R&D project focuses on reducing noise pollution during diagnostic and interventional image-guided procedures.

Various medical studies show that persistent high noise levels can lead to poor concentration, stress, impaired memory, general reduced performance and other phenomena up to burnout syndrome. Such stress and anxiety situations are detrimental to patients' recovery and lead to longer treatment times and thus increased costs. On the part of clinical/medical staff, noise pollution can lead to loss of concentration and treatment errors, for example in the case of interventions lasting several hours or several consecutive interventions.

The development of loud noises in many machines cannot be prevented or can only be prevented by intervening within the existing structure. However, technical measures can be taken to impede the propagation and transmission of noise and thus minimise the disturbing noise emissions. The COCOON project aims to research procedures for the design and manufacture of acoustically optimised housings for large medical devices, which will also result in very high standards with regard to approval and the materials used.

Furthermore, the ambitious approach of researching a "diagnostic system" for recording the status of product functionality is being pursued. The early alerting of malfunctions should minimise equipment failures and could contribute to product monitoring after it has been placed on the market.