Dynamic perfusion

For a comprehensive evaluation of the tissue condition and possible therapeutic success with stroke the cerebral blood volume (CBV) filters and especially the dynamic perfusion parameters (CBF, MTT, TTP) provide very important information.

The company SIEMENS has recently developed a dynamic perfusion protocol for perfusion imaging via angiography systems, which allows to carry out a time-resolved perfusion measurement. First simulations and (published) results of animal experiments in the “Experimentelle Fabrik” have shown that it should ,therefore, be possible to detect the dynamic perfusion of brain tissue by FDCT in the catheter laboratory. By using the same device, the interval between diagnosis and time-critical treatment can significantly accelerate.

Within this project it should be explored to what extent the developed measurements for dynamic perfusion via FDCT can be performed in the angiography laboratory and assist in the diagnosis of stroke.

For this purpose, a phantom is to be developed which permits the reliable and reproducible implementation of these experiments on a physical model.


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