
The Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg has a distinctive profile. It aims at creating a lean and sharply-defined structure with main focus on expertise in the traditional areas of engineering, the natural sciences and medicine. It also considers economics, management and the social sciences and humanities as essential disciplines for a modern university in the information society.

In accordance with its guiding principles, the Otto-von-Guericke-University sees its prime task in raising the standard of education and scholarship through teaching and research. We feel obliged to Otto von Guericke for providing the following ideals: 

  • the application of scientific methods,
  • the quest for innovation and new knowledge and
  • the assumption of social responsibility for today's and future generations.

Our University is a community of staff and students that is based on openness, trust, tolerance and co-operation. It aims to create a productive environment which promotes health and commitment.

The University is made up of nine faculties, the administration, the President’s office (or Rektorat in German) and central services.
The faculties are subdivided into institutes and/or departments, other academic bodies and business initiatives.
There are also several closely-related academic institutions with whom the University cooperates in a variety of ways.




At the Forschungscampus STIMULATE involved faculties:


At the Forschungscampus STIMULATE involved medical research groups:


At the Forschungscampus STIMULATE involved technical research groups:

Am Forschungscampus STIMULATE beteiligte medizinischen  Arbeitsgruppen:

·         Orthopädische Universitätsklinik - Prof. C. H. Lohmann

·         Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin - Prof. M. Pech

·         Universitätsklinik für Stereotaktische Neurochirurgie - Prof.  J. Voges

  • Klinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie, Abteilung Thoraxchirurgie - Prof. T. Walles
  • Universitätsklinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie, Abteilung Herzchirurgie - Prof. J. Wippermann



Am Forschungscampus STIMULATE beteiligte technische Arbeitsgruppen: