Steering Committee

Institutions that are important for the Forschungscampus STIMULATE on a regional, political and economic level, such as the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and Siemens Healthcare GmbH delegate essential decision-makers to the steering committee. The steering committee does not intervene in daily operations and the strategic direction of the Forschungscampus STIMULATE. This high-level committee rather ensures the alignment of interests and goals of important stakeholders of the Forschungscampus and serves as sparring partner for the executive board.

Dr. P. Fischer

Dr. P. Fischer

Head of Computed Tomography at Siemens Healthcare GmbH

M. Maas

M. Maas


M. Melzer

M. Melzer

CEO Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt (IB)

Prof. J. Strackeljan

President of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg


S. Borris (Photographer: Michael Kranz)

S. Borris

Mayor of the city of Magdeburg

T. Wünsch

T. Wünsch

State Secretary at the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of Saxony-Anhalt