Am Donnerstag, dem 25.06.2020 findet um 17:00 Uhr das nächste das STIMULATE-Kolloquium als Onlinevortrag über den Cloudmeetingdienst „Zoom“ in englischer Sprache statt.
Die Zugangsdaten zum Online-Vortrag wurden per Mail versandt.
Dr. Joann Halpern, Direktorin des Hasso Plattner Institut, New York
Design Thinking: An Introduction
Some of the world’s leading companies, Apple, Samsung, SAP, and Ikea have adopted the Design Thinking approach. Yet Design Thinking is not limited to corporations. Many universities, hospitals, governments, startups, museums, libraries, and schools integrate Design Thinking into their work. What is Design Thinking? Why is it being adopted by so many institutions? What is the relationship between Design Thinking and innovation? How can you integrate Design Thinking into your daily life? These are just a few of the questions our speaker, Dr. Joann Halpern will address. She will also provide examples of Design Thinking in action in order to help you understand the process as well its innovative potential.
Informationen zu Frau Dr. Joann Halpern finden Sie hier.