by Mathias Leopold, Thomas Hoffmann, Tim Weiß, Benny Nguyen, Georg Rose
Patiententisch zur automatisierten isozentrischen CT-Bildgebung (Mathias Leopold, Thomas Hoffmann, Tim Weiß, Benny Nguyen, Georg Rose), In 4th Image-Guided Interventions (IGIC), 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
	address = {Mannheim},
	title = {Patiententisch zur automatisierten isozentrischen {CT}-{Bildgebung}},
	booktitle = {4th {Image}-{Guided} {Interventions} ({IGIC})},
	author = {Leopold, Mathias and Hoffmann, Thomas and Weiß, Tim and Nguyen, Benny and Rose, Georg},
	year = {2019}